Repair and Calibration Services
2712 spectrum analyzer 10Hz-1.8GHz
Our full capability facility can repair and calibrate your Tektronix Tek 2712 Spectrum Analyzer. We specialize in servicing obsolete, unsupported test equipment.

2712 spectrum analyzer 10Hz-1.8GHz
Frequency Related
Frequency Range - 9 kHz to 1800 MHz.
Center Frequency Accuracy -
2712: 5x10-7 of CF ±700 Hz.
2711: 1x10-5 of CF ±5 kHz.
Frequency Counter Accuracy (Std. 2712, Opt. 02 2711) -
2712: 5x10-7 of CF ±10 Hz, ±1 LSB.
2711: 1x10-5 of CF ±10 Hz, ±1 LSB.
Dot Marker Frequency Accuracy*1 - CF Accuracy ±3% of
Long-term Drift*1 -
2712: 2 ppm/yr.
2711: 10 ppm/yr.
Short-term Drift -
2712: <400 Hz maximum drift between correction cycles.
2711: <20 kHz maximum drift between correction cycles.
Residual FM -
2712: <100 Hz p-p/20 msec at <20 kHz span/div; <2 kHz p-p/20
msec at>20 kHz span/div.
2711: <2 kHz p-p/20 msec.
Resolution Bandwidth (-6 dB) -
2712: 5 MHz, 300 kHz, 30 kHz, 3 kHz, 300 Hz.
2711: 5 MHz, 300 kHz, 30 kHz, 3 kHz.
2712 with Opt. 14: Add 1 MHz, 100 kHz, 10 kHz, and 1 kHz.
2712 with Opt. 12: add 1 MHz, 120 kHz, 9 kHz, 1 kHz - 200 Hz
replaces 300 Hz filter.
Center Measure - Signal is centered with frequency and peak
amplitude automatically read out (not a marker mode). The
signal is counted in the 2712 or 2711 with Option 02.
Supports Epson FX and LQ Series Printers via built-in GPIB
interface (Std. 2712, 2711 Opt. 03), RS-232C interface (Opt. 08,
2712 and 2711).
Up to 108 saved displays, 36 front-panel setups available
with Opt. 03 or 08.
Located in: Tektronix